Wednesday, November 29, 2017


There is more than enough news recently about sexual harassment in the workplace.   Sexual harassment is when you are expected to endure or perform some type of sexual behavior to gain a higher position, more money, or simply to continue an association with some jerk who thinks he can get away with it.  I find it difficult to imagine tolerating harassment as an adult who can make a choice to walk away from the situation.  Anything a person can’t walk away from such as sexual, psychological or physical abuse is another whole subject.   

It simply isn’t ok for anyone to use their position of “importance” to entice someone to be part of behavior that they are not comfortable with. There are also instances where walking away might remove you from the immediate situation, but can place you in an uncomfortable situation.    You could ruin the reputation and cause extreme heartache for an unsuspecting family or friend or both.  Public figures are at a great risk for this very reason.  Remember the “swinger” web site scandal?  Ouch. 

In small towns, everyone knows everyone.  You sit next to them in church.  You are class with them.  You are in class with their children.  You may babysit for them.  You might sing in the church choir or go to parties with them and you wave at them on the street passing by.  You’ve known these people all your life and you trust them because they are like family.

When I was in high school, I took a class called Vocational Office Training.  Part of the class included working in a business at a nominal wage for a short time to gain some experience in a work place setting.  I was at my desk typing one day and my employer, touched me inappropriately.  He said nothing.  I said nothing.  I immediately covered my typewriter, got my school books and purse, and left to walk home.  He followed me in his car almost all the way home calling to me to let him give me a ride.  All I could think of was that if I told my folks, my Dad would be out for a showdown and it wouldn’t be pretty.  Embarrassment would surely follow as this was a member of my church with a fine family.  I couldn’t think straight.  I just kept walking.  The next day, I knew I had to let my teacher know, since she would have to make the arrangements for another place for me to work because I had no intention of going back to that office.  I told her in confidence and asked her to never place another student in that business again and to please not betray my confidence.  I never told my Daddy.  I didn’t tell my Mother until the man had passed away and I had grown children of my own. 

I don’t tell this story to accuse someone who waits years and years before coming forward with their accusations.  I make no excuses for allowing a grown man with children get away with what he did to me. In my opinion at the time, the consequences would have hurt too many people who were innocent and, thankfully I wasn’t hurt physically.   I tell this simply to say that sometimes we don’t know the right thing to do or say.  We stay silent because it’s the least complicated way to handle a situation.   Sexually abused young children may simply not want to cause a fight at home or experience punishment.  They may have been abused by the most trusted member of their family and they are so confused about love that they allow themselves to believe it is ok and that’s a way of showing love to them.   Some of them live the rest of their lives trying to sort out the wrongness of it all, sometimes blaming themselves and feeling they deserved to be treated that way.   Sexual, physical and psychological abuse is more prevalent than most people know.

Currently, it seems that the more prominent, more powerful, more visible people who should have our respect because of their accomplishments and positions, have dirtied not only their own families and friends who supported them, but our nation.   When our President can face the nation, and lie, be proven guilty, and even impeached but remain in the highest position in the land as if it were a minor school yard offense, surely, we must know there’s trouble on the horizon.     Our society has become so complacent that we just listen intently to the news and then wait gleefully for the next scandal to break.      It’s just a matter of time.