Monday, July 31, 2017


If we are truthful, we all have said or done things we aren’t proud of.  But if there is one thing I am, it’s truthful.  Having said that, I ain’t no shrinking violet and have been known to put my foot in my mouth a time or two.  I don’t do it because I want to be seen or heard. It’s just the way I roll and I do have a pretty stubborn streak about what’s right and what’s wrong and tend to want everybody to have the same.  I don’t see gray.  It’s black or it’s white.   But that’s another subject for another time.

Recently, there has been a whole lot of finger pointing that has become downright disgusting to me.  Not because I’m a Republican and a whole bunch of other folks, including some friends and family who are not, but because there seems to be an extraordinary amount of people who are ok with the use of profanity and street talk.  I see it in children, young adults, and mature adults.  It slips out when we don’t mean it to and it slips out when we want to make real clear what we are saying, and it slips out because people don’t have enough sense to use a better term.   Now, I know what the word hypocrisy means.  Go back up to the first paragraph.  I’m admitting my transgressions.   “Miss Nell” would be so ashamed and disappointed in me and I know God is.  Once again, go back to the first paragraph.  I am honest. 

When some of us start talking about how people have insulted or offended us because of something that person said, it becomes a pretty lame argument when the people who know us remember some posts, comments, or remarks that we made ourselves.  Have you ever called someone stupid?  Have you ever called them fat?  Have you shared a post that is hateful in its intent?   Do you get angry when you see a post that promotes something you don't agree with?  Do you retaliate with an equally nasty post?  It’s a whole new ballgame then.  So, I guess my point is this:  Not a single one of us is perfect.   Can we stop trying to put out the best “gotcha” post and try to remember that we all fall short.  It serves no purpose to try and get the last word and it serves no purpose in throwing out the “I told you so’s”.  I’m tired of fighting for Donald Trump.  I’m tired of hearing about what a jerk he is and I'm tired of hearing about Hillary Clinton and Bill's past.  I’m tired of seeing and hearing ugly and profane language in my feed and I’m dang sure tired of seeing and hearing some of the junk that is going on and posted on social media that is just flat out false.  I hold no malice against anyone because of their political views.  I hope you’ll hold none against me for mine.   Remember, we're all Americans first.  

And that's all I'm going to say about that!